Virtues and Community Development for Kenya

by Virtues Project International Association
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Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya
Virtues and Community Development for Kenya


By supporting this project, you will empower 80 Kenyans to learn skills in table banking, parenting, poultry, agriculture and virtues (character development) as a way to promote sustainable and healthy families and community systems. Working in large groups of 20 and smaller groups of 5, individuals will work together to gain skills to be self-sufficient and supportive community members.

total goal
monthly donors


Communities lack the skills and resources to overcome poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. Violence against women and children, teen pregnancy, early marriages, delinquency are significant problems. Four community groups of twenty will benefit from skills training by experts and learning the Five Strategies of The Virtues Project.Explain


Virtues training provides parents and educators skills necessary to end the use of corporal punishment at home and in school. Training and then participation in table banking enables groups to coop monies to build prosperity. Training classes with experts in Poultry and Agriculture provide skills and path to self-sufficiency. Having these skills and resources, they will be able to build strong families and communities.

Long-Term Impact

Long-term effects of training and implementation of The Virtues Project include: greater unity in community and more peaceful families, as well as, improved academic achievement and a reduction in truancy, teen pregnancy and delinquency. Working together in table banking, farming and poultry will provide for the sustainability of up to 80 families.


Organization Information

Virtues Project International Association

Location: Calgary, AB - Canada
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @VirtuesProject
Project Leader:
Caroline Ngure
Calgary , AB Canada
$6,560 raised of $20,000 goal
351 donations
$13,440 to go
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Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG26960

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