Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda

by The Angel Projects of America
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Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda
Women and Girls Education & Empowerment in Uganda

Project Report | Apr 4, 2023
Education: The Path Forward

By Susan Oertle | Co-Founder

At The Angel Projects, we believe that education is the way forward, up, and out of poverty for the women and girls of Rubuguri, Uganda, which is why we dedicate so much of our time, efforts, and funds to providing educational opportunities in a variety of ways.

We start with the youngest members of the community by ensuring that all the children and teenagers in our area are able to attend school.  We help with uniforms, books, supplies, and fees by giving a hand up, not just a handout to local parents.  We provide job opportunities for the parents and ask that they contribute half of their children's school fees while we provide the other half.  The children and teens are so thrilled to be able to attend school, and they work really hard to learn the material and to perform well on their exams.  We are so proud of their progress!

Our educational opportunities then extend to postsecondary education.  So far, we have been able to enroll three students in colleges where they will earn degrees in nursing, midwifery, and pharmaceutical science.  All three of these students work hard and are performing at the top of their class.  They all have a passion for their community and plan to use their education and skills to give back once they graduate.  Their education will not only provide a secure future for these young women and their families; the whole community will benefit through access to better healthcare.

At The Angel Projects, our educational opportunities are not only limited to formal education.  We also provide a variety of classes to meet the various needs of the community, such as ESL, First Aid, nutrition, and conservation.  Many of the women in the area desire to learn English so that they can communicate with tourists in order to sell their handicrafts, so we have provided ESL classes in two different areas.  We have also been meeting the community's need for basic First Aid knowledge through our Saving Grace Project, in which local women learn to care for the basic needs of their community as well as how to watch for signs and symptoms of health problems that need the attention of medical professionals.  We have also been teaching many of the local people, including the elderly members, about health and nutrition through our Greenhouse Project.  In the case of the elderly, part of this education program has been providing them with the vegetables they need to practice healthy eating.  Finally, we have been teaching the local community about conservation through our Ecobricks Project by showing them how to repurpose their garbage in safe and constructive ways.

Our philosophy at The Angel Projects is to ask the local community what they need and then to meet their needs as best we can through education.  This has led to amazing growth and change in the community, and we're so excited to see where this path continues to take us.  Of course, none of this would be possible without the amazing support of our donors, so THANK YOU!

Learning by Example
Learning by Example
Regina, excited to head back to school
Regina, excited to head back to school
Meria at pharmaceutical college
Meria at pharmaceutical college
ESL Class
ESL Class
Learning to read and write for the first time
Learning to read and write for the first time
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Organization Information

The Angel Projects of America

Location: Naperville, IL - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @oli471962
Project Leader:
Olivia Foster
Yorkville , Illinois United States
$25,310 raised of $30,000 goal
874 donations
$4,690 to go
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