Empower women in Africa through higher education!

by These Numbers Have Faces
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Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!

Project Report | Oct 21, 2022
Empowering Women: Meet Acqueline

By Jim Pressnell | Executive Director


These Numbers Have Faces believes strongly women are the secret weapon to fighting poverty. We work hard to make sure that at least half of the students in our University Leadership Program are women. Currently, 57% of our students are female. These young women are poised to lead their communities and countries to a new era of peace and prosperity. Through access to a university education, Leadership Development Workshops, and our women’s mentorship program, we empower Africa’s brightest young women to cultivate thriving communities. We also recognize that, if we are working to empower strong female leaders in a culture where gender roles remain very traditional, we must also work with the young men to learn how to work well with and alongside strong, empowered women. 

Acqueline is a wonderful example of the young women in our program. She is the youngest of four children. Her father died when she was thirteen. Although his death had a huge impact on her family, she worked hard to stay strong, ready to fight for the best for her family and her community. Acqueline was born and raised in the Gakenke district of Rwanda’s Northern province. Like other people in her community, her family’s basic needs are supported through domestic animal farming and crop cultivation. She has two brothers and one sister. Despite their financial difficulties, she was able to complete secondary school with the aid of scholarships. And now, she is the only one in her family who has been able to continue to pursue a university education. She’s now studying at the University of Rwanda to become a dental surgeon. She is passionate about filling the gaps she has seen and experienced in Rwanda’s healthcare system. She very much wants to make a difference in the lives of her community and country. She’s also working hard to create a better future for her family. She says she won’t let the trust they put in her go in vain, so she is working hard to achieve her goals. Acqueline is also passionate about education, especially educating young women because women have incredible abilities and are able to make such a huge impact on the quality of life for their families and their communities. Again, Acqueline is a great example of our work as These Numbers Have Faces to educate, equip, and empower women to be transformational leaders in their communities. She is just one of so many success stories among our These Numbers Have Faces students and alumni!

We are also excited to share that all of our students, including Acqueline and the other young women in our University Leadership Program, are currently implementing their Community Impact Projects. These Community Impact Projects are a key element of our success. These projects require our students to take what they are learning in their classrooms and what they are learning in our Leadership Development Workshops and then apply it to real-life needs within their communities. We ask all of our students to identify, plan, and then devote at least 50 hours each academic year completing a Community Impact Project that will make a transformational difference in their communities. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic forced us to pause these projects in 2020 and 2021. So, we are very excited to be able to restart these projects this academic year. In 2019, our students impacted in significant ways the lives of almost 11,000 people! We can’t wait to see what they will accomplish this year. We are so proud of the projects our young women have chosen. Here are just four examples of their projects:

  • Teaching computer skills to young girls.
  • Teaching reproductive health to female secondary students to reduce the risk of early pregnancy and dropping out of school.
  • Working with vulnerable families to improve their nutrition through kitchen gardens.
  • Teaching female secondary students how to build an excellent career profile, including an effective CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, as well as teaching effective interviewing skills.


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Jul 6, 2022
Empowering Women as We Emerge from a Pandemic

By Jim Pressnell | Executive Director

Mar 21, 2022
Empowering Women in Challenging Times

By Jim Pressnell | Executive Director

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These Numbers Have Faces

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @thesenumbers
Project Leader:
Jim Pressnell
Portland , OR United States
$12,813 raised of $20,000 goal
207 donations
$7,187 to go
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