AME Viva - Yoga & Wellbeing for Slum Youth Connecting Brazilian Slum Residents to Resources Connecting Brazilian Slum Residents to Resources Connecting Brazilian Slum Residents to Resources

Favela Inc.

Org #84753
Vetted since 2020 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Favela Inc. is a for-purpose organization that incubates low-income, favela communities through physical spaces, technology, and developmental programs to accelerate socio-economic impact and local innovation, fostering self-sustainability for lasting positive change. We promote inter-favela collaboration and circular economies while building bridges to a global network of partners, funding, knowledge, and opportunities.

Project Leaders
Adam Newman
Adam Newman
Ana Carolina Haber
Ana Carolina Haber
Juliana Vidal
Juliana Vidal
Maria Paiva
Maria Paiva
Gabriella Monteiro
Gabriella Monteiro
Tom Macaveli
Tom Macaveli
Francisco Soares de Gusmao
Francisco Soares de Gusmao
Samuel Shain
Samuel Shain
Adam P Newman, Tatiane S Mendonca, Ana Carolina C Haber
Organization Information
Avenida Presidente Joao Goulart 825, Vidigal
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 22450-042
Organization Information
Avenida Presidente Joao Goulart 825, Vidigal
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 22450-042

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Bridging Futures: Transformative Partnerships and Innovations Driving Change at Favela Inc

By Samuel S. Shain | Global Partnerships and Brand Development Director

Dear Supporters, We are excited to share some remarkable developments that are shaping the future of Favela Inc. and the communities we serve. Our work is rooted in the belief that meaningful... Read the full report ›

Marking Our Achievements: A Celebration of Favela Inc's Recent Successes

By Samuel S. Shain | Global Partnerships and Brand Development Manager

Recent Activities and Achievements at Brota We are thrilled to share the latest updates from Brota, Favela Inc's social innovation coworking space in Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro. New Partnership with... Read the full report ›

Connecting BrazilianSlum Residents to Resouces

By Ana Carolina Haber | fundraising coordinator

Dear Donoors,  In the second quarter of 2023, we made significant progress in implementing the Vision platform. We conducted training sessions to empower local leaders in technology usage and... Read the full report ›
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