Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

by Fundacion Los del Camino
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

Project Report | Mar 2, 2020
1st time in a movie theater / Cine por 1ra vez!

By Maria Isabel Sanchez | Project Leader

Queridos donantes,

El propósito de nuestro CEII Caminitos es que nuestros niños y adolescentes abran su mente, descubran otras formas de ver la vida,y vivan nuevas experiencias que logren impactarlos, que se den cuenta que hay muchas cosas positivas por descubrir afuera de su realidad; es por eso que nos apoyamos en empresas que están en la capacidad de abrir un nuevo mundo para ellos. Producto de ésto, el pasado 8 de febrero , los 40 niños de nuestro CEII visitaron una sala de cine por primera vez en su vida.

Los niños vivieron la experiencia al máximo, sorprendiendose con las figuras de Los Avengers, con las que se tomaron fotos y rieron. Se maravillaron al ver una pantalla gigante que les permitió adentrarse en el mundo de Las Aventuras del Doctor Dolittle dejandose asombrar por una historia donde un doctor podía comunicarse con los animales, se reian de lo inclreible y sus mentes descubrían lo interesante de ese mundo, mientras tomaban refresco y comian crispetas, algunos junto a sus padres que tambien se regocijaron al ver a sus hijos felices y de vivir ellos mismos esta experiencia que muy pocas veces ellos mismos han vivido.

Seguimos descubriendo formas sencillas de cambiar la realidad de estos niños con el apoyo de personas como usted que creen en que las pequeñas acciones pueden tener un impacto importante en su futuro.


¡Feliz Semana a todos!



Dear donors,

The purpose of our CEII Caminitos is for our children and adolescents to open their minds, discover other ways of seeing life, and live new experiences that can impact them, make them realize that there are many positive things to discover outside their reality; that's why we rely on companies that are able to open up a new world for them. As a result of this, on February 8th, the 40 children of our CEII visited a movie theater for the first time in their lives.

The children lived the experience to the fullest, surprising them with the life size Avengers, with whom they were able to take photos with and have a good time. They marveled at a giant screen that allowed them to delve into the world of Dolittle's Adventures, being amazed by a story where a doctor could communicate with animals and laughed with the occurences. Their minds were able to discover the fascinating world of a cinematic experience, while drinking soda and eating popcorn, some of them accompanied by their parents who also rejoiced in seeing their children happy and living this event themselves, something that they rarely do on their own.

We continue to discover simple ways to change the reality of these children with the support of people like you who believe that small actions can have a major impact on their future.

Happy Week to you all!

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Dec 2, 2019
Getting ready for christmas! / Alistandonos para navidad!

By Maria Isabel Sanchez | Project Leader

Sep 3, 2019
A health day at CEII|Una jornada medica en el CEII

By Maria Isabel | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Fundacion Los del Camino

Location: Cali - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FunLosdelcamino
Project Leader:
Mayra Vanessa Plata Vergara
Cali , Valle de Cauca Colombia
$13,571 raised of $631,271 goal
182 donations
$617,700 to go
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