Project Report
| Nov 23, 2022
Getting people back on their feet!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
In developed countries like the UK and USA the press is flooded with the number of residence vaccinated but for places such as India, Africa and poorer communities the end is far from insight. In Kerala where we work 1.5 million cases of COVID have been confirmed and numbers are climbing. India is seeing 350,000 new cases each day. Governments are failing and communities have access to no oxygen and people are dying.
This unforeseen pandemic has affected lives all over the world and our goal with this project is to provide relief to communities in need and are working to get everyone back on there feet after all the loss they have suffered in the last few years. We managed to raise $10 000 for this initiative.
Thank you for your support
Jul 28, 2022
It's a Challenging Time In India
By Ravinder | Community Leader
Dear Friends and Family,
It really has been a rollercoaster few years for our communities in South India. Witg employment taking a hit then tourism due toCOVID and lack of medical emergency support people was passing away at an alarming rate and there was nothing we could do about it.
Now today we re-open and learn to live with COVID-19 it is nice to see schools re-open and people walking the street again but the damage left is huge and now we face a very long recovery period and with such high employment, overcrowded schools and limited medical supplies.
It feels very overwhelming at the moment and I know this recovery is certainly something we are not going to be able to do alone and therefore we really do need the help of our lovely donors and supporters now, more than ever. No matter how big this task is we are a strong community standing together and we will not stop trying to move forward but we are aware this is probably the biggest task we have ever faced.
Now we are just over1/2 way 2022 I am feeling positive that it is time now for us to pick ourselves up and start working to focus on the future and hopefully tourism will come back soon to help inject some finance into our situation we face.
I thank you for being apart of the solution in India and I hope my next report will bring more positive news.
Thank You!
Mar 17, 2022
Picking up the pieces post pandemic!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
Our struggles with the virus are far from over, as we begin the new year many countries are becoming crippled by the second or third wave. Whilst a vaccine is coming to the market poorer communities are facing huge crisis and won't see vaccines for many more months, if at all this year. India is hot topic right now with hospitals oxygen minutes from running out and patients left outside hospitals as there is no space indoors. This pandemic is far from over and India is not the only country
Our team is working remotely and are available around the clock to ensure all our projects are doing everything we can to support the local communities. Working with each community we will assess and provide them with critical resources to tackle the virus and put in measures for the community to survive long term.
Thank you for your support