Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia

by Abraham's Oasis
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia
Emergency support for Tigray, Ethiopia

Project Report | Apr 16, 2023
Broken lives, devastated communities....

By Catharina van den Bosch | Founder/Director

As we have moved from active conflict to a peace agreement, we are now able to travel a little bit further afield. We are also able to obtain cash and we are more actively able to start work on the post-conflict community rehabilitation. We have already been approached for assistance for at least 4 communities who have been affected severely and are struggling to get back on their feet. We are in the process of assessing their needs. But we already have made more progress with one special community.

They are a small, marginalized community in the north, consisting of around 4000 people. For their safety and security we can't disclose names and places yet. But this small community has suffered greatly in this conflict.

They have identified 650 community members that have still been unaccounted for. No one knows what has happened to them, Have they been kidnapped, killed or did they flee? 

The majority of the people is currently housed in a camp for internally displaced people. The community has always been marginalized as they have maintained their own language and sub-culture. They have no family elsewhere and have not been able to flee to other places. The people are mainly herders and supplies of charcoal. As the community is very close-knit it is very difficult for organizations to work with them. Fortunately we got unique access as one of our staff had a connection with the community leader. We have visited the community and got a feel for what they want for their future survival.

Unfortunately their area of residence is still not safe but several people have been back to check on their houses and to bury their dead, whom they had buried inside their homes and in their compounds.

The stories are horrific, not many of their houses are intact, everything has been looted and all their livestock has been stolen. These people have nothing left to go back to and are in desperate need of assistance.

Abraham's Oasis has met with the community and they have asked us to assist them in economic empowerment. If at least they can do some small scale business it will help them to survive while they are waiting for the situation to become safe. Thus, we are currently preparing ourselves to start working with this needy community.

We are excited as this is what we do best, bringing sustainable solutions to the marginalized and vulnerable. Economic empowerment is defenitely a sustainable solution and we are thankful for you as donors for your assistance in our efforts to assist the hurting communities around us.

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Organization Information

Abraham's Oasis

Location: Shire-Endaselasse, Tigray - Ethiopia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Catharina van den Bosch
Shire-Endaselasse , Tigray Ethiopia

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