Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan

by Dara Private Foundation
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan
Gift Personal Mentors to 100 Orphans in Kazakhstan

Project Report | Apr 16, 2024
Friendship in Action: Mentorship Report

By Assel Shaidikeshova | Project manager

Aizhan and Victor in Atyrau
Aizhan and Victor in Atyrau

Dear friends,

Our team continues to work in the interests of orphans and children without parental care. This year has become significant for us as recently the Head of State signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of education, mentoring and child safety.” Our team has worked very hard for a long time so that every teenager from an orphanage could have the right to their own mentor at legislative level. Thanks to the signing of the Law the project can now work in any orphanage and more children will receive support from their mentors!

In this report we would like to introduce you to the story of the friendship between mentor Nigara and Anastas from an orphanage in Shymkent city.

Nigara learned about the project long before she submitted her application. She looked closely and did not believe that she would be able to take on such responsibility. Now she understands that these were all her beliefs and fears. In fact, everything is much simpler.

“The most important thing in this project is selfless participation and the desire to help the child. There is not and cannot be material motivation here. Only sincere and pure intentions to find a true friend, for whom you can become a support and a guiding star in society outside the orphanage,” shares Nigara.

Nigara and Anastas met in an orphanage. They played games and talked about themselves, then talked for a long time on various topics.
Now Nigara notes how similar they are. They see similarities every time: both are good organizers, both are very responsible and philosophers in life. In many ways, their views are similar, they are very communicative.

“He seems to be still a teenager, but sometimes he says and does things that not every adult does, and often it seems to me that I learn more from him than vice versa.” - Nigara

Thanks to the mentor, changes in Anastas in a positive direction are noted by educators and teachers at school. This year Anastas became the President of the school where he studies. The mentor was very happy about this success in Anastas’s life and supported him very much along this path.

In Karaganda, since the last report, we have been able to increase the number of mentors. During this time we conducted training among candidates; interviews and we were able to introduce 4 children to mentors!

The story of Elena and Nastya’s friendship began in 2018 and continues to this day.One day, the appearance of a mentor greatly changed the course of Nastya’s life. Anastasia was previously very modest, never looked anyone in the eye, spoke little and was a poor student. For such children from the orphanage there is only one way — to go to the college, and, moreover, no matter if a specialty will suit the child’s interests. “She’s stupid, she won’t be able to act,” was the label that the orphanage’s directors and teachers put on Nastya. However, mentor Elena had a different opinion and it was extremely difficult to convince her. She insistently stated that Nastya would go to university and receive a higher education in the specialty which she was interested in - “tourism.” The leaders of the orphanage argued a lot and asked not to encourage the girl with such loud words, but Elena showed action in addition to words. Several times a week she brought Nastya to tutors and independently prepared the girl for admission. And then day X came, Nastya passed the exams and, thanks to the faith of her mentor, personal efforts and purposeful preparation, she entered KarSU on a budget. The girl is immensely grateful that a person appeared in her life who was able to show her a different life and instill in her so much knowledge and confidence.

In Pavlodar, during this period, we introduced 3 teenagers from orphanages to mentors!
Our team in Pavlodar continues to work actively every day to protect the interests of children: they conduct selections, train candidates, provide psychological support to mentors and children!

Mentor Sania, mentee Zhenya.
The relationship in this couple is going well. The mentor introduced Evgeniy to her son. They often spend time together, playing various games and quests. My wife really likes such meetings. Sania talks a lot to Zhenya about his future, what he would like to do, where he would like to go, etc. Then in the conversation the mentor mentioned Nazarbayev Intellectual School (NIS). Sania was able to interest Zhenya to enter NIS. Now Zhenya is actively preparing for admission at the tutoring center. These classes are paid for by our Dara Foundation. Zhenya regularly attends classes in the subjects of mathematics, logic, natural science, mathematical literacy and Russian, Kazakh, and English languages. The mentor supports Zhenya in his desire to enter NIS and motivates him to study.

In Uralsk, our coordinators, together with a creative studio, organized a master class for children. This master class was attended by 13 children from an orphanage in Uralsk. The children got acquainted with the technique of plaster products, learned how to mix the material, pour it into molds and decorate the products that were made by them. The children were very interested and curious!

In Atyrau, from September to April, 6 more teenagers found their mentors. Our employees accompany all mentors and regularly hold Mentor Clubs. We would like to tell you the story of our couple in Atyrau. Victor graduated from the orphanage last year and since that time he has lived in the Youth House. A youth home is an institution where graduates of orphanages live independently in rooms of 2-3 people, they arrange their own life, buy groceries and prepare their own food. In this institution, children live in a dormitory from the moment they enter college or university. At the time of Victor’s move from the orphanage to the Youth House, mentor Aizhan supported him in every possible way and was by his side. This is a rather difficult period for children and is accompanied by fear and anxiety in children. Now Victor has already settled into his new place and is living happily in his youth home. Aizhan recently shared the good news that Victor will soon receive an apartment from the state and documents on this issue are now being prepared. Victor shared this news with Aizhan first, and for Aizhan this was an indication that Victor trusted her. We are happy for Victor and are sure that when he receives an apartment, Aizhan will also be there and help him arrange his own apartment. We are also glad that Victor has a significant adult in the person of a mentor and that Victor is not alone in such a big world and he has support from a mentor. 

Nigara and Anastas in Shymkent
Nigara and Anastas in Shymkent
Sania and Zhenya in Pavlodar
Sania and Zhenya in Pavlodar
Elena and Nastya in Karaganda
Elena and Nastya in Karaganda
New Year's photoshoot for mentors and children
New Year's photoshoot for mentors and children
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Organization Information

Dara Private Foundation

Location: Nur-Sultan - Kazakhstan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Ainash Kasenova
Nur-Sultan , Kazakhstan
$15,611 raised of $35,545 goal
121 donations
$19,934 to go
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