Project Report
| Oct 19, 2022
Your support for newborns means the difference between life and death!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
Through your continued contributions for our campaign that supports the life of newborns, we are able, every month, to tackle many critical newborn cases in north of Syria, which would be lost without Allah's care and your support.
During last September, you offered life-saving assistance to triplets and a premature girl who was born in the 7th pregnancy month. You also helped 1078 newborns receive comprehensive healthcare services in their first and most difficult moments.
The dire living conditions in north of Syria double the number of emergency birth cases, but with your support that directly reaches to them, they can have hope for a better life.
Oct 12, 2022
How two heads live in one body, watch this!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
Your donations have always been the way to save the lives of dozens of newborns babies and make them see the light after their mothers went through difficult conditions during pregnancy, but now the situation is completely different and we cannot stand helpless in the face of a very rare thing that happened in one of SEMA's hospitals, which is the birth of twins with one body.
Although it is a very rare thing, it has been repeated more than once in northern Syria, specifically in SEMA hospitals, perhaps because of the remnants of the war!
Doctors at SEMA Hospital performed a cesarean section on a woman to give birth to two newborns babies joined in one body and she survived after the doctors' efforts.
How can two heads live in one body?
The survival rate of the two children does not exceed 25%., all SEMA medical staff made great efforts to save the mother and the two children, and they will be sent for treatment to a hospital in Turkey.
Oct 11, 2022
Beautiful twins born in one of our centers ... Thank you for helping us!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
Your donations to SEMA hospitals have always been the reason for the happiness of hundreds of families in northern Syria, whether by saving a life or rescuing a newborn who sees the light in one of our medical centers.
The two babies, Lareen and Wateen, are twins, who were born in one of SEMA hospitals in northern Syria. Thanks to your donations, the costs of childbirth were completely covered, and they returned with their mother to their home with happiness on their faces.
Like Lareen and Wateen, dozens of cases arrive at SEMA hospitals and do not have the costs of giving birth, they are received completely free of charge and all procedures are taken until the mother leaves with her child in the best condition.