Stop violence against indigenous women in Oaxaca Arts & crafts for migrant and indigenous children Panadera tradicional Pottery decoration


Org #56996
Vetted since 2018 Effective Nonprofit Staff Favorite Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Our mission is to reduce the 10 years forseen to rebuild Ixtaltepec and help reactivate a strong economy through the teaching of local and traditional crafts while creating social bond in the community.

Project Leaders
Alejandra Rosado
Alejandra Rosado
Aida Corres
Aida Corres
PERSEIDA TOLEDO, AIDA ERNULT, ALEJANDRA ROSADO, Sara Rojas, Andrea G Manzo, Yesica L Sanchez, Sharon Cabrera
Organization Information
ALDAMA No. Int: LTS No. Ext: Sección 4A
4ta sección
Asunción Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca 70140
Organization Information
ALDAMA No. Int: LTS No. Ext: Sección 4A
4ta sección
Asunción Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca 70140

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Empowering Girls Through Music in Oaxaca

By Alejandra Rosado | CEO

In the past few months, we were finally able to hold the Encuentro por las Infancias, las Juventudes y el Territorio (Gathering for Childhood, Youth, and the Territory) in Juchitán de Zaragoza,... Read the full report ›

Celebrating Community Impact: Oaxaca, Chi. Wrap-U

By Alejandra Rosado | CEO

We gathered 25 children and women to discuss what’s going on with the kids in Santo Domingo Chihuitán. We were concerned about the violence they face, the limited educational spaces... Read the full report ›

Women of Oaxaca Unite Through Creative Photobroidery

By Alejandra Rosado | CEO

We are delighted to share with you the creation of a special space for women in our community to forge new bonds. We recently held a photographic embroidery workshop, using photographs taken... Read the full report ›
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