Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America

by Fly The Phoenix
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America

Project Report | May 12, 2016
The 7 Continent Charity Challenge #2

By Dom Williams | Founder and Director

Hiking Santa Maria, Guatemala - 7 Continents
Hiking Santa Maria, Guatemala - 7 Continents

On 30th April the children and the local teachers took part in the second Phoenix Seven Continents Charity Challenge to raise funds for local sustainable income plans across all our countries. The plans not only provide income for local families to be able to help with their children’s further education costs, including college and university, though also to help sustainably cover our schools’ costs including local teachers salaries, daily food and fruit, school materials etc. This month, to get our Global Giving friends involved in the Seven Continent Charity Challenge, we would like to put all donations to this page towards sustainable income plans. A warm thanks in advance.

In Guatemala, the first exams were undertaken in the schools with some very good results. This year as part of the drama and dance classes, the children have been learning new types of dance and genre, including mambo, 70's disco, duranguense, merengue, salsa and of course continuining with the traditional folkloric style to marimba. An emotional Easter Semana Santa procession was held in Itzapa for many hours around the streets. Our various sustainable plans are coming along well with many families now involved in Plan Moo, Plan Pollo, Plan Huerto and Plan Negocio; please follow the link to find out more.

The new school year has got off to a great start in Perú and we purchased new materials including excercise books, text books, pens and other materials to see them through the year. First exams are due up in May and our Phoenix local teachers are confident! We have added more local teachers to help out in the school; they are our ex-students and in return we will pay them a small stipend to help them through University education.

In Ecuador, the school year is coming to an end in June so everyone is gearing up for final exams! Our local Phoenix teacher in the school has had a great first year in the centralized school and due to this success and the probablility that the government is going to cut their teachers from three to two we are planning on adding more Phoenix teachers to help in the classes. Our food and fruit programs have continued with great success especially as local crops have not produced as much as hoped. We are saving up to restock the school in September so as ever, donations to this page go a very longway!

Finally in Honduras we have had a great few weeks with both Mother's and Father's Day celebrated in style with our Phoenix College students taking charge of the festivities. First exams have come and gone with success and our Phoenix local teachers in the primary, secondary and college are very happy with the progress. Plans are afoot to start new business models which we can involve our college students in so they have employment once they graduate so watch this space!

Many thanks for all your help and have a great May


Digging a Plan Tilapia pool in one day - Honduras
Digging a Plan Tilapia pool in one day - Honduras
7 Continents Challenge in Ecuador
7 Continents Challenge in Ecuador
Hiking Sachaca in Peru for the 7 Continents
Hiking Sachaca in Peru for the 7 Continents
Quick snack on the road
Quick snack on the road


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Feb 17, 2016
Child + daily food = better education!

By Dom Williams | Founder and Director

Nov 24, 2015
Provide daily food for one child this Thanksgiving

By Dom Williams | Founder and Director

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Organization Information

Fly The Phoenix

Location: Clare, Suffolk - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Dom Williams
Sudbury , Suffolk United Kingdom
$34,454 raised of $50,000 goal
983 donations
$15,546 to go
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