Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

by Hospital of San Vicente Foundation
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

Project Report | Jun 13, 2022
Angel enjoys art while recovering

By Mariana Alvarez | Project Leader

Ángel is an 8-year-old boy, who was born in Bucaramanga and has lived in Medellín for 3 years. He was diagnosed at the age of 2 with unspecified nephritic syndrome, a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete too much protein in the urine, causing low levels of protein in the blood, high cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, increased risk of developing blood clots and swelling.

Currently, this little boy is being treated at our Children's Hospital-San Vicente Fundación due to a relapse he suffered a few days ago. Ángel is going to be hospitalized for some time while he finishes his treatment, so his favorite distraction at the moment is visiting the Hospital Classroom. Every day she gets up early to attend activities with the teachers and have fun while she continues with her recovery process.

Ángel appreciates these spaces that our Children's Hospital offers him because they allow him to distract himself while doing crafts and learning new things. Her mother is very happy with the activities they carry out in this space, as she affirms that they have allowed her to discover new environments that make her stay at the Hospital more enjoyable.

The "July bonus day" campaign is approaching, and you can help us so that our children continue with their educational process while having fun. With your donations you allow children like Ángel to enjoy spaces for learning and recreation.
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May 10, 2022
Leonardo has fun painting while he is recovering

By Mariana Alvarez | Project Leader

Jan 19, 2022
Thanks to you, we continue to learn as we recover

By Laura Botero | Project leader

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Organization Information

Hospital of San Vicente Foundation

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @sanvicentefund
Project Leader:
Ana María Londoño Rivera
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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