Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

by Hospital of San Vicente Foundation
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

Project Report | Oct 5, 2021
Painting and having fun are Nicolle's favorite hob

By Laura Botero | Lider de proyecto

Nicolle is a 10-year-old girl, she is spontaneous, she likes to take pictures, she likes to talk with her friends, she likes to sing, and one of her favorite hobbies is painting pictures with the colors of the rainbow.

Her mother, Dennis, expresses that she is a very outgoing girl, she does not have difficulty socializing with other children, she is responsible and above all very cheerful and happy.

Nicolle, she came to the emergency room of our San Vicente Fundación Children's Hospital because she had abundant bleeding with severe pain in the abdomen that made her lose mobility in her legs, after several tests she was diagnosed with cysts in the ovaries.

She enjoys the colors, the coloring books that are given to her in the hospital classroom, and expresses that she feels very grateful for having a space in the Hospital that allows her to share with other children and especially to paint, which is one of her favorite hobbies.

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Jun 9, 2021
Life through the paintings of Deiner David

By Laura Botero | Lider de proyecto

Feb 9, 2021
The best medicine for Sebastian is to play and lea

By Laura Botero | Lider de proyecto

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Organization Information

Hospital of San Vicente Foundation

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @sanvicentefund
Project Leader:
Ana María Londoño Rivera
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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