Project Report
| Jul 15, 2019
New roof for La Gloria School
By alejandro itkin | Board Member
We're extremely proud to announce that Sumando Manos has replaced the old and damaged roof of Tomas de Acevedo school #916, located in La Gloria, Pampa del Indio, Chaco, attended by 36 students from 6 to 14 year old.
The previous roof was old, rotten and torn apart. It allowed rain, humidity, insects and cold to coming in, preventing the chldren from having a dignified school enviroment.
We not only replaced the roof, but also the floors, walls and external appearance.
We want to make this report short, as the pictures speak all for themselves.
Thank you for your amazing support.
Sumando Manos Foundation
Apr 18, 2019
We keep on working for the children
By Alejandro itkin | Board Member
Dear friends,
During the first quarter of 2019 we continued to help the schools that are part of our program. Our program “Breakfast for the Children” continued without interruption, as well as our nutrition and health programs.
The schoolchildren who benefit from this program are from the small rural towns of El Soberbio, Misiones and Pampa del Indio, Chaco. Thanks to this program, they receive breakfast and/or lunch on every school day. This campaign is key, because in many of the schools admitted in this project, this is the only meal the children receive all day long. All help is welcome. With US$15, breakfast is provided to a child for a full month. For more information and donations, please visit:
As part of our health program, Dr. Marcelo Wirth together with a dentist, Dr. Andrea, continue the regular visits to rural schools in Pampa del Indio, Chaco. During the visit, they check all the children that need care and provide preventive medicine to many others. We will also work together so that children who need a follow-up visit or a new consultation can do so at the local hospital as soon as possible.
Again, thank you so much for your continued support and we look forward to your contribution in the future.
Sumando Manos Foundation
Jan 24, 2019
Reaching out to those who need a BRAND NEW hand
By Alejandro Itkin | Board Member
As you already know, Sumando Manos mean "Joining Hands". Nothing more literally connected to our friends than our new project.
We are now helping Joaquin Vergara, an 18 year old student, to print hands in his brand new 3D printer to children that were born without a hand.
Since a few years ago, Joaquin has been printing new hands for free to children that need it, and it was time to upgrade his equipment. Sumando Manos has provided Joaquin a brand new 3D printer in order to help more children in need.
Though his network, Joaquin recives several requests for new hands, which he prints for free, and the new beneficiary will be Amir, from the province of La Rioja, in Argentina (picture attached).
We wish Joaquin the best of luck as he helps more and more children get that movility they desperately need.
Sumando Manos Foundation