Education  India Project #21320

Transforming People With Disabilities in India

by India Partners
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India

Project Report | May 10, 2023
From Polio to Promise - Jansi's Life Was Transformed

By John Sparks | President

Your support truly made a life-changing impact on Jansi. As a young girl Jansi had polio and it left her with difficulty walkingWith polio affecting her mobility, Jansi hadn't been given many opportunities to excel in her life. Thanks to your generous donation, she was able to enroll in our one-year computer diploma course, which proved to be the stepping stone to her promising career.  

Your generosity funded the courses that provided her with the essential skills needed to land a job with the Government - a rare opportunity. She started off as an office worker, but her computer skills and hard work propelled her up the ranks to a clerical staff position. This is a remarkable achievement, as less than 1 in a thousand people secure a Government job. Thank you for helping us make Jansi's dreams come true and proving that disabilities should never hold anyone back in poverty. 

Your support has created an environment where students can flourish, grow, and learn valuable skills that will help them excel. It is truly inspiring to see the transformative effect that access to a computer education can have on their lives. 

With every lesson they take and every computer skill they master, students like Jansi are discovering their incredible value and worth. You are a part of this journey, and we cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support of our program. Together, we can continue to uplift and empower marginalized people in India. 

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Jan 13, 2023
Girl with motor disability is able to get a job

By John Sparks | President

Sep 14, 2022
Vidhya found success and purpose because of you!

By John Sparks | President

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Organization Information

India Partners

Location: Eugene, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IndiaPartners
Project Leader:
John Sparks
Eugene , OR United States
$2,687 raised of $5,000 goal
81 donations
$2,313 to go
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