This project will help us distribute wildlife crime-busting technology to sea turtle conservationists throughout Central America. The Invest… read more
Diarrhea is the leading cause of malnutrition in children under five years old. Self-Help International is working with thousands of farm fa… read more
Our project has trained 14 local health care providers called brigadistas to provide basic health care to campesino families in 11 remote mo… read more
Protein is often unaffordable for low-income Nicaraguan farm families, but Quality Protein Maize (QPM) is an affordable crop farm families c… read more
The Girls' Day Shelter offers girls from extremely poor problem families a place to come during the day, before and after school. Girls can … read more
Join the fight for survival! Fewer than 20 birds from a spectacularly beautiful macaw subspecies remain in the wild in western Central Ameri… read more
Self-Help has been working to alleviate hunger in Nicaragua since 1999. We provide opportunities for women to learn business operations, and… read more
You can make it possible for 93 children in Nicaragua to learn how to save nature this year in the rural areas where they live. Nicaragua's … read more
We use soccer, the world's most popular team sport, as a vehicle for positive change in the lives of girls ages 5-20 in Granada, Nicaragua. … read more
Each year, more than half of North America's bird species migrate to (or through) Central America. You can help protect them in Nicaragua an… read more
Farmers in rural Central America sometimes sell wildlife when they need income. You could help them choose to protect wildlife instead. With… read more
In the rain season, there is no way to reach the state hospital from the Nicaraguan village la Salvia as the only connection to the world is… read more
Now that we have our offices constructed, thanks to our generous friends and donors, we would like to build an auditorium in our patio space… read more
Every winter, the willow flycatcher travels from the U.S. to Central America for the season. Five years ago, we began studying the bird's ha… read more
As part of our Growing Adelante program, Escuela Adelante in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, is building a school garden. This garden will serv… read more
Since 2004 Hogar runs a program to improve lives of children and families in Camoapa. 2 centers conduct basic education/skills training. Hog… read more
To ensure local students have safe, comfortable, and clean learning environments, regular maintenance in schools is essential. Over the next… read more
raised of $12,000 goal
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