Project Report
| Jan 4, 2024
Vegetable cultivated in integrated way
By Mousumi Halder | Project Contributor
South-western coastal region is a disaster risky part of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Environment and Development Society is working for the improvement of them in both social and economical. Community is working to satisfy their daily need of vegetables and other fruits in integrated way like they have a concept that we will use each and every single land. In that concept, they cultivate vegetable and other fruit trees, fish etc. in their land. This is helping them to different types of production from the same land.
BEDS is currently trying to raise funds from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people in the way of income generation for their better future with better economic conditions. We also hope that through taking support from various corners they will be able to use their products for earning their sound livelihood.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donations. For recurring donation, please visit the followinglink:
Dec 17, 2023
New life creates new hope for community
By Mousumi Halder | Project contributor
![New born sheep is changing the economic status]()
New born sheep is changing the economic status
Sundarbans is the largest delta of the country which is situated south-western part of Bangladesh. Most of the people living below the poverty line and everyone have a right to living well. In that case, Bangladesh Environment and Development Society develop a concept better home, better life through integrated farming which can change their socio-economic condition by animal husbandry. In that case, they are farming hen and sheep which giving newborn sheep and hen. This new member increasing the quantity and this will improve the economic condition of the people.
BEDS is currently trying to raise funds from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people in the way of income generation for their better future with better economic conditions. We also hope that through taking support from various corners they will be able to use their products for earning their sound livelihood.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donation. For recurring donation, please visit the followinglink;
![New born chick will change the fate]()
New born chick will change the fate
Nov 18, 2023
King swan is a part of cooperatives
By Mousumi Halder | Project contributor
![feeding to the king swan by BANOJIBI member]()
feeding to the king swan by BANOJIBI member
Coastal area people of southwestern region of Bangladesh living with natural hazard and disaster. To change the livelihood and generate income Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) working relentlessly by giving technical support, expertise and so on. Bangladesh is an agriculturally based country and BEDS try to improve their lifestyle through creativity with introducing new innovations. For these reasons, create a cooperatives society BANOJIBI which works in different sector and king swan rearing is a part of income.
By the natural process, they are taking care by the cooperatives members and growing which gives us egg and meat which is pat of nutrient. Not only that, we can sell this approximate 1500/= per piece of king swan. So, some money can be earned by the swan and it’s increase the fund of cooperatives.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donation. For recurring donation, please visit the following link;