Project Report
| Jul 7, 2024
Natural germination of seeds
By Mousumi Halder | Project Contributor
![Germinate the seeds]()
Germinate the seeds
Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) is working with relentlessly for the welfare of the society. By the intervention of BEDS, Sundarbans Resources Harvesters Cooperative Society members working for natural farming so that organic food can be consume by the community people. In this rainy season, different types of seeds are germinated and cooperative members carefully putting the germinate seed in tray for seedings preparation. They dream that different types of vegetable will be grown up in the cooperative campus and after satisfying the daily need, they will be able to sell the organic vegetable in the market. Cooperative will earn for more strengthening their production.
BEDS is currently trying to raise funds from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people in the way of income generation for their better future with better economic conditions. We also hope that through taking support from various corners they will be able to use their products for earning their sound livelihood.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donations. For recurring donation, please visit the followinglink;
![Putting carefully in seedbed.]()
Putting carefully in seedbed.
Jun 4, 2024
Little bees are destroyed by cyclone Remal
By Mousumi Halder | Project Contributor
![Cyclone damage their habitat]()
Cyclone damage their habitat
Bangladesh is a disaster-prone area and every year cyclone faces all over the country. Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) is working for the natural resource conservation for ecological balance and more over livelihood improvement in the community people. In this case, BEDS established Sundarbans Resource harvesters Cooperatives Society where the forest dependent people working for livelihood improvement.
As a part of natural farming practices, cooperatives members started to apiculture which was providing them honey that could be economically benefited by the cooperatives. But once in a sudden friend bees lost their life and their house was destroyed by long time sustaining cyclone Remal. It was a occurred in 26 May-27 May,2024 and destroy their hive of honey and life of bees. In this cooperatives, 15 boxes bees was fly away out of 30 boxes and destroyed their habitat and hive by cyclone Remal.
BEDS is currently trying to raise funds from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people in the way of income generation for their better future with better economic conditions. We also hope that through taking support from various corners they will be able to use their products for earning their sound livelihood.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donations. For recurring donation, please visit the followinglink;
![Repairing the structure of Bees]()
Repairing the structure of Bees
![Bees flied away from beehives]()
Bees flied away from beehives
May 28, 2024
Bees are storing honey
By Mousumi Halder | Project Contributor
![Cooperatives members are harvesting honey]()
Cooperatives members are harvesting honey
Bangladesh is a riverine country with 700 rivers and it’s geographical location is adjacent to Bay of Bengal. Dacope upazila under Khulna division is a coastal area adjacent to Sundarbans. In this area, develops a cooperatives society namely BANOJIBI under Sundarbans Resource Harvesters Cooperatives Society Limited and Bangladesh Environment and Development society (BEDS) working for them. Here the cooperatives members involve with different innovative earning activity. Bee keeping is one of them and from this colony cooperatives harvesting honey and also this friend bees are helping pollination in the members farming land which is helping them to produce more production and earning opportunity.This benefits are getting the nearest farmer of BANOJIBI campus.
BEDS is currently trying to raise funds from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people in the way of income generation for their better future with better economic conditions. We also hope that through taking support from various corners they will be able to use their products for earning their sound livelihood.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donations. For recurring donation, please visit the followinglink;
![Increase numbers of production by bees]()
Increase numbers of production by bees