Education  Peru Project #43189

The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies

by Alianza Arkana
The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies
The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies
The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies
The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies

Project Report | Feb 22, 2021
Asociacion Jakon Rate

By B. R. Best | Project Ally

Asociación Jakon Rate is inspired and guided by the great grandmother whose Shipibo-Konibo name means ‘A Life-Giving Good Surprise’. We are dedicated to creating spaces and facilitating opportunities to practice, learn, and transmit the ancestral wisdom of the Shipibo-Konibo Nation to future generations for the collective wellbeing of life in the Amazon Rainforest and beyond.

The intergenerational transmission of cultural memory, wisdom, and language is a crucial action for the defense and wellbeing of the Shipibo-Konibo Nation, their families, their sovereignty, and their land.


Asociación Jakon Rate Projects:

The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies

Our mission is to create natural, clean, and safe environments for traditional practices to be remembered, regenerated, relearned, and shared throughout the Shipibo-Konibo Nation and the Global Community.

Bakebítimis Midwifery Apprenticeship Program

The ancestral prenatal care, birthing practices, and postnatal care of the Shipibo-Konibo and other Indigenous cultures are at the roots of their nations’ well-being. Experienced elders like the Shipibo-Konibo bakebítimis (midwife / OB-GYN) Delia Mahua Perez are crucial to supporting the health of women and children in their communities. Traditional midwifery and female reproductive health practices must be passed on to future generations to ensure safe childbirth for future Shipibo-Konibo generations.

Jakón Jói Language Program

A living language is a spoken one! Jakón Joí is an intercultural group of native Shipibo-Konibo, Spanish and English speaking enthusiasts who offer Online Group Immersion Classes.Each course and the accompanying lessons cover both everyday spoken Shipibo-Konibo as well as traditional medicine vocabulary, while planting the foundations of this beautiful life-giving good language, message, word or voice. Jakón Jói!

Noya Nete Traditional Samá

The Shipibo-Konibo practice of samá or ‘dieta’ is the most profound method of traditional education. It is a spiritual and therapeutic practice of isolation and abstinence foods and energies while making an intentional and beneficial connection with the energetic consciousness of an allied plant.


Realizing our vision will require a lot of dedication and support. Currently we are creating a permaculture design and designs for all the structures, and we still need to raise funds for the final plot and materiales to begin construction.

The best way you can help and be part of this mission to regenerate and maintain the intergenerational transmission of our Indigenous wisdom is to come and participate in a educational samá or sign up for online Shipibo-Konibo language lessons!

Or help today by sending a donation to make The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies a reality. Every bit helps and it is possible to set up monthly recurring donations that are tax deductible for USA citizens.

All the best from the Jakon Rate family!


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Organization Information

Alianza Arkana

Location: Yarinacocha, Ucayali - Peru
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Brian Best
Yarinacocha , Ucayali Peru
$19,506 raised of $35,000 goal
114 donations
$15,494 to go
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