MISSION: To foment integral human development of the local underserved communities FOUNDING PRINCIPLES: It is a non profit organization created by the founders and shareholders of PUNTACANA Resort & Club, to formulate and to develop initiatives that contribute to the local and national human development. VALUES: Generosity- Compassion- Integrity- Make a difference GOALS: To create and support educational projects To create and support community health projects To foment communitarian developments projects that promote the sports and healthful lifestyle To promote the development of art and culture in the community To promote the eth... read more MISSION: To foment integral human development of the local underserved communities FOUNDING PRINCIPLES: It is a non profit organization created by the founders and shareholders of PUNTACANA Resort & Club, to formulate and to develop initiatives that contribute to the local and national human development. VALUES: Generosity- Compassion- Integrity- Make a difference GOALS: To create and support educational projects To create and support community health projects To foment communitarian developments projects that promote the sports and healthful lifestyle To promote the development of art and culture in the community To promote the ethics and social transparency.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates: